The following code is a file manager, written in the same course, which can create, append, print and copy a text file. It also can search for a string within the specified file.
public class FileMgr{
// We use a global variable for reading from the
// keyboard, since all methods take user input.
private static BufferedReader kb ;
public static void main( String [] args ) throws IOException {
String kb_line ; // user input
char task ; // task selected
// Open Keyboard for User Input
kb = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( ));
//Display Welcome Message
System.out.println("\n File Manager");
System.out.println( "================");
// User interaction loop.
do {
display_menu(); // Display Menu & Prompt User for Selection
kb_line = kb.readLine(); // Read Users Response
if( kb_line == null || kb_line.length() != 1 ) {
task = '0'; // denotes (some kinds of) invalid input
} else {
// Take First Character of Response (in lower case)
task = Character.toLowerCase(kb_line.charAt(0));
// Execute Corrsponding Task
execute_task( task );
} while( task != 'q' && task != 'Q' );
} // End of main
* Execute the selected task
* Argment task identifies the task. It need not
* have a value that corresponds to a valid selection.
private static void execute_task( char t ) throws IOException {
String userLine ;
String fileLine ;
BufferedReader inFile ;
PrintWriter outFile ;
switch( t ){
case 'p':// Print a file
// open file for printing
userLine = get_user_input("\nEnter Name of File to Print\n");
inFile = open_input_file( userLine );
System.out.println("=== Begin " + userLine + " ============");
// print lines to the screen
fileLine = inFile.readLine();
while( fileLine != null ) {
System.out.println( fileLine );
fileLine = inFile.readLine();
System.out.println("=== End " + userLine + " ===========");
case 's': // Search a file - print lines of file containing
// a given substring.
// open file to search and get search string
userLine = get_user_input("\nEnter Name of File to Search\n");
inFile = open_input_file( userLine );
userLine = get_user_input("\nEnter String to Search for\n");
System.out.print("=== Begin " + userLine + " lines containing ");
System.out.println( userLine + " ============");
// print lines containing userLine as a sub-string
fileLine = inFile.readLine();
while( fileLine != null ) {
if( fileLine.indexOf( userLine, 0 ) > -1 ){
System.out.println( fileLine );
fileLine = inFile.readLine();
System.out.print("=== End " + userLine + " lines containing ");
System.out.println( userLine + " ===========");
case 'c': // Copy a file
// open files to copy from and to
userLine = get_user_input("\nEnter Name of File to Copy From\n");
inFile = open_input_file( userLine );
userLine = get_user_input("\nEnter Name of File to Copy To\n");
outFile = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( userLine, true ));
// copy lines
fileLine = inFile.readLine();
while( fileLine != null ) {
outFile.println( fileLine );
fileLine = inFile.readLine();
case 'n':
// open new file
userLine = get_user_input("\nEnter Name of New File\n");
outFile = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( userLine ));
System.out.print("\nBegin entering lines ");
System.out.println("(stop by entering the line: #!stop).");
// get lines from user and store in file
userLine = get_user_input("");
while( userLine != null && userLine.compareTo("#!stop") != 0 ) {
outFile.println( userLine );
userLine = get_user_input("");
case 'a': // append to an existing file
// open desired file to append to
userLine = get_user_input("\nEnter Name of File to Append to\n");
outFile = new PrintWriter( new FileWriter( userLine, true ));
System.out.print("\nBegin entering new lines ");
System.out.println("(Stop by entering the line: #!stop).");
// read lines from user and store in file
userLine = get_user_input("");
while( userLine != null && userLine.compareTo("#!stop") != 0 ){
outFile.println( userLine );
userLine = get_user_input("");
case 'q': // quit
default: // handle invalid selections
System.out.println("Your entry is not a valid selection.");
} // End of execute_task()
* Prompt the user and read a line from the keyboard.
* Returns the String read from the keyboard.
private static String get_user_input( String prompt ) throws IOException {
System.out.print( prompt );
System.out.print(">>> ");
return kb.readLine();
* Open a file with a given name for reading.
* Returns a new BufferedReader
private static BufferedReader open_input_file(String name) throws IOException {
return new BufferedReader( new FileReader( name ));
* Display the task menu and instructions
private static void display_menu(){
System.out.println("\nSelect a task from the following list by");
System.out.println("type the first letter of the desired task ");
System.out.println("(upper or lower case) and pressing Enter.");
System.out.println("\nNew: create a new file");
System.out.println("Append: append to an existing file");
System.out.println("Print: print file to the screen");
System.out.println("Copy: copy a file");
System.out.println("Search: find a string in a file");
System.out.println("Info: print program information");
System.out.println("Quit: exit File Manager");
System.out.print("\nTask: ");
} // End of FileMgr
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